Access Oribus WebMail

Access Oribus WebMail

Welcome to Oribus WebMail

Oribus offers WebMail services for all customer email accounts. This allows anyone to access their email wherever they are as long as they have access to a computer with a web browser and Internet connection. Customers no longer have to configure multiple computers to check their email. No more remembering all those confusing settings. All you need to do is bookmark this website or remember the address and your set. If you are hosting a domain with Oribus, you will also be able to access this site by using you own domain name in place of For example From this website you can access the WebMail service by clicking on either of the links in the upper left or right corners.


Email FAQ

Oribus' WebMail Service is still in it's introductory period, therefore the Email FAQ here is small. However, we will be adding onto the Email FAQ as we receive questions from our customers regarding the use of the WebMail service as well as general email questions.